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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Reflecting on What Connected Us

In the stillness of the night, I find myself reflecting

On what connected us, what brought us together

Was it fate or simply chance?

Was it the laughter we shared, or the tears we cried?

Or was it something deeper, something unseen?

I remember the first time our eyes met

A spark ignited, a connection formed

We were two souls, lost in a sea of faces

But in that moment, we found each other

It was your smile that drew me in

The way your eyes lit up when you laughed

I knew then, that you were someone special

Someone who would change my life forever

We talked for hours, about everything and nothing

Our conversations flowing like a river

I felt like I could tell you anything

And you, in turn, shared your deepest thoughts with me

As time passed, our bond grew stronger

We shared our hopes and dreams

Our fears and insecurities

And in each other, we found solace

We faced challenges together, weathered storms

Supported each other through the darkest days

And celebrated together in moments of triumph

Our connection, unbreakable, unwavering

It was the little things that connected us

The way you would make me laugh when I was feeling down

Or the way I would listen to you ramble on about your day

We were two puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together

I often wonder how we found each other

In a world so vast, so unpredictable

But then I realize, it was meant to be

Our paths were destined to cross

So as I sit here, reflecting on what connected us

I am grateful for every moment we shared

For every smile, every tear, every laugh

You will always hold a special place in my heart

And though life may take us on different paths

I know that our connection will never fade

For we are forever intertwined, two souls

Bound by a bond that can never be broken

And so I raise a toast to you, my dear friend

For all the memories we have created

For all the moments we have shared

And for the connection that will always remain.

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