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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Remember You Matter and Be True to Yourself

Updated: Sep 14

You Matter written on Stones with Light hitting it. Credit Pexels

You Matter

When faced with a chaotic world, we tend to neglect taking in our own oxygen.

When darkness seeks to obscure your existence,

Remember, dear soul, in this life,

You matter, you shine so bright.

Be true to yourself, never conform,

To the rules of society's norm,

For you are unique, a diamond in the rough,

Embrace your essence, be bold, be tough.

When doubts and fears cloud your mind,

And the world seems cruel and unkind,

Remember, you are worthy, you are enough,

Believe in yourself, in your own strength and love.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life,

It's easy to lose sight of who you are,

But deep within you, there is a fire,

A passion that burns like a distant star.

Listen to the whispers of your heart,

Follow where it leads, trust your intuition,

For in the depths of your soul,

Lies the key to your true mission.

Embrace your flaws and imperfections,

For they are what make you truly unique,

Don't be afraid to show your vulnerabilities,

For they are what make you complete.

Stand tall in the face of adversity,

Be courageous, be resilient, be strong,

For storms may come, but you will endure,

No matter how difficult or how long.

Remember, dear one, you are not alone,

There are others who walk this path with you,

Reach out, seek support, share your burdens,

And together, you'll make it through.

In times of darkness, look to the light,

For within you, there is a spark,

A flame that will never die,

Guiding you through the shadows so dark.

So hold your head high, lift your voice,

Let your spirit soar, let your essence rejoice,

For you matter, you are important, you are true,

Never forget the extraordinary essence that is you.

Remember You Matter and Be True to Yourself,

In a world that tries to dim your light,

Stand firm in your truth, in your worth,

And shine brightly through the darkest of night.

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