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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot


In the soil deep below, where darkness reigns,

Roots of trees and plants spread their domains.

Seeking out moisture, nutrients to sustain,

Their growth and health, despite the weather's strains.

Rooting down, anchoring in place,

These earthly tendrils embrace

The land, holding firm in space,

With strength and grace, they interlace.

Each root a lifeline, a connection to the earth,

Drawing sustenance, giving birth

To leaves, flowers, fruits of worth,

A testament to nature's infinite mirth.

From mighty oaks to delicate blooms,

Roots reach out in myriad rooms

Of color, shape, and perfume,

In gardens, forests, and remote wilderness glooms.

Beneath the surface, unseen and untamed,

Roots delve deep, never to be blamed

For their silent, steady reign,

On the earth's vast, intricate frame.

In the world of plants, rooting is key,

A vital process, essential and free,

To sustain life's cycle, endlessly

,In every leaf, bud, and tree.

So let us honor these hidden heroes,

Whose quiet work never zeroes,

In on the beauty that grows and flows,

From the depths where rooting goes.

For in their embrace, we find our home,

Our strength, our purpose, our inner dome

Of resilience, endurance, where we roam,

Rooted in love, forever known.

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