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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Sacred Labyrinth

In the heart of an ancient forest,

Where the trees whisper secrets

And the wind dances with the leaves,

There lies a sacred labyrinth

Known only to a chosen few.

The path is lined with stones

That have weathered centuries of storms,

Each one bearing the weight of time

And the stories of those who walked before.

As I enter the labyrinth,

I feel a sense of awe and wonder

At the mysteries that await me

In this sacred place of reflection.

The air is filled with a sweet scent

Of wildflowers and earth,

And the only sound is the gentle rustle

Of the leaves in the breeze.

I walk slowly, my bare feet

Sinking into the soft green moss,

Feeling the pulse of the earth

Beneath my soles.

The path winds and twists

Through the dense underbrush,

Leading me deeper into the heart

Of the labyrinth’s sacred embrace.

I come upon a clearing,

A space bathed in golden light

Where a stone altar stands,

Ancient and weathered by time.

I kneel before the altar,

Feeling the weight of my prayers

Rising up to the heavens,

My soul laid bare in this sacred space.

I offer up my fears and doubts,

My hopes and dreams,

Knowing that in this labyrinth

I am held in the arms of the divine.

As I rise to my feet,

I see a figure standing

In the shadows of the trees,

A guardian of this sacred place.

Their eyes are deep and knowing,

Their presence radiating wisdom

And compassion that seeps

Into my very being.

They beckon me to follow,

And I do, trusting in the path

That has brought me here

To this moment of sacred communion.

We walk together in silence,

The guardian leading me

Through the twists and turns

Of the labyrinth’s ancient design.

I feel a sense of peace

Settling in my soul,

A calm that I have longed for

But never found until now.

Finally, we reach the center

Of the labyrinth,

A space bathed in a warm

Glowing light.

I stand in awe of the beauty

That surrounds me,

Feeling the presence of the divine

In every breath I take.

I close my eyes and listen

To the whispers of the wind,

The rustle of the leaves,

The beating of my own heart.

In this sacred labyrinth,

I have found a connection

To something greater than myself,

A sense of purpose and belonging.

As I open my eyes,I know that I am forever changed

By this sacred place

And the gifts it has bestowed upon me.

I offer up my gratitude

To the guardian standing beside me,

And as they nod in acknowledgment,

I feel a sense of peace and love.

The labyrinth fades away

As I walk back into the world,

But its presence lingers

In my heart and soul.

For in this sacred place,

I have found a home

Where I am truly free

To be myself and to soar.

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