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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Spend Time in Nature creating Flower Beds

In the vast expanse of nature's embrace,

I find solace in the tranquility of space.

Amidst the vibrant hues of flowers in bloom,

I lose myself in their sweet perfume.

I spend my days tending to my garden beds,

Planting flowers of reds, yellows, and blues ahead.

I dig my hands deep into the warm earth,

Feeling the connection, the sense of rebirth.

Each flower I plant is a labor of love,

A testament to the beauty that rises above.

I carefully tend to each delicate bloom,

Pruning and watering, chasing away gloom.

The sun beats down, warming my face,

As I find myself in a peaceful place.

The sound of birds chirping fills the air,

Echoing a melody beyond compare.

I lose track of time as I work away,

Lost in the rhythm of nature's ballet.

The earth beneath me whispers truths untold,

As I watch my flower beds unfold.

I see bees buzzing from bloom to bloom,

Collecting nectar, dispelling gloom.

Butterflies flutter in a delicate dance,

Adding a touch of whimsical romance.

I sit back and admire my handiwork,

Feeling a sense of pride, a sense of perk.

The hours spent here have been well worth it,

For in nature's beauty, I find my spirit.

As the day fades into night,

I bask in the soft glow of starlight.

The flowers sleep, their petals closed tight,

Dreaming of the next day's sunlight.

I lay on the grass, feeling the cool breeze,

Listening to the rustling of leaves in the trees.

I am at peace in nature's embrace,

Finding solace in this sacred place.

So I urge you, dear reader, to spend time in nature,

Creating flower beds, a labor of love so pure.

For in the beauty of nature's bloom,

You will find yourself, dispelling all gloom.

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