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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Take Care of Yourself

Take care of yourself, dear one

For you are precious and rare

Your heart beats with a gentle hum

In a world that can be hard to bear

Take care of your body, your vessel

Nourish it with wholesome food

Move it with grace and with purpose

Allow it to rest when it needs to

Take care of your mind, your sanctuary

Fill it with thoughts that bring peace

Release the ones that cause worry

Let negativity finally cease

Take care of your spirit, your essence

Feed it with love and with light

Connect with the divine presence

And bask in its guiding might

Take care of your emotions, your waves

Let them flow freely and wild

Acknowledge them without shame

And allow them to reconcile

Take care of your relationships, your bonds

Nurture them with kindness and care

Communicate openly and respond

To the needs of those with whom you share

Take care of your dreams, your visions

Pursue them with passion and drive

Believe in your own decisions

And let your inner light thrive

Take care of your boundaries, your limits

Protect them with firmness and grace

Learn to say no without guilt trips

And honor the boundaries of others in place

Take care of your creativity, your muse

Let it inspire and uplift

Allow it to flow freely and diffuse

Through every aspect of your life’s script

Take care of your time, your treasure

Invest it wisely in things that matter

Don’t squander it on trivial pleasure

But on pursuits that make your heart fatter

Take care of your self-care, your ritual

Create a routine that nurtures your soul

Make time for rest and for the spiritual

And prioritize your well-being as a whole

Take care of yourself, dear one

For you are deserving and worthy

Embrace the journey that has begun

And be kind to yourself on this earthly journey.

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