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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Art of Letting Go

Updated: Apr 14

In the art of letting go,

There is a delicate dance

Of surrender and release,

Of holding on tightly

And then letting slip through

The fingers of our hearts.

It is a skill that takes practice,

A learned behavior

Refined over time

Through moments of struggle

And moments of peace.

To let go is to release

The grip of our expectations,

To relinquish control

And trust in the flow

Of the universe’s plan.

It is to acknowledge

That we cannot hold onto

Everything we desire,

That sometimes the best thing

Is to simply let it go.

Letting go is not easy,

It is a process of growth

And transformation,

A shedding of old skin

To make room for the new.

It is a letting go

Of past hurts and resentments,

Of grudges and grievances,

Of anger and bitterness,

Of all that weighs us down.

It is a letting go

Of attachments and desires,

Of possessions and obsessions,

Of needing to be right

Or needing to be in control.

It is a letting go

Of fear and doubt,Of worry and anxiety,

Of what might happen

And what might not.

To let go is to open

Our hearts and minds

To the vast expanse

Of possibility

And potential.

It is to embrace

The unknown and the unpredictable,

To welcome change

And uncertainty

With open arms.

It is to trust

In the process of life,

To have faith

In our own resilience

And in the power of love.

Letting go is a journey,

A path that is different

For each of us,

But one that ultimately

Leads us to freedom.

It is a liberation

From the chains of the past,

From the burdens of the present,

From the fears of the future,

From all that holds us back.

To let go is to be

Truly alive,

To be fully present

And aware

Of the beauty and wonder

Of each moment.

It is to surrender

To the rhythm of the universe,

To dance with grace

To the music of the cosmos,

And to flow


With the tide of life.

So let us practice

The art of letting go,

Let us release

Our attachments and fears,

And find

The freedom

And joy

That await us

On the other side.

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