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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

The Auric Body: How Sound Healing Can Help You Restore Balance

Updated: Jul 9

The Auric Body is the energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is made up of electromagnetic energy that is in constant movement and oscillation. This field is also known as the human energy field or Aura.

The Auric Body is a complex system that is in constant interaction with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. It is impacted by our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It is also affected by the energy around us, including the energy of other people, places, and things.

Sound Healing is a process that uses sound to remove blockages and restore balance to the Auric Body. This can be done through the use of specific frequencies and tones that target specific areas of the Auric Field. Sound Healing can also be done with the use of specific instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks.

If you are looking for a way to restore balance to your life, sound healing may be the answer. Keep reading to learn more about the Auric Body and how sound healing can help you restore

What is the Auric Body?

The Auric Body is the energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is made up of electromagnetic energy that is in constant movement and oscillation. This field is also known as the human energy field or Aura. The Auric Body is a complex system that is in constant interaction with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. It is impacted by our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It is also affected by the energy around us, including the energy of other people, places, and things. The Auric Body is composed of multiple layers, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes.

The first layer is the Physical Body, which is the densest layer and the one that we are most familiar with. The second layer is the Emotional Body, which is composed of our emotions and feelings. The third layer is the Mental Body, which is composed of our thoughts and beliefs. The fourth layer is the Spiritual Body, which is the most subtle layer and is composed of our higher consciousness. The fifth and final layer is the Etheric Body, which is the bridge between the physical and the non-physical.

The Etheric Body is the template for the physical body and contains the blueprint for our health and well-being.

Sound Healing is a process that uses sound to remove blockages and restore balance to the Auric Body. This can be done through the use of specific frequencies and tones that target specific areas of the Auric Field. Sound Healing can also be done with the use of specific instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks. If you are looking for a way to restore balance to your life, sound healing may be the answer. Keep reading to learn more about the Auric Body and how sound healing can help you restore balance within it.

How can sound healing help to restore balance within the Auric Body?

When the Auric Body is out of balance, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental health problems. Sound healing can help to restore balance within the Auric Body by breaking up blockages and restoring the flow of energy. Sound healing can be used to target specific areas of the Auric Field that are out of balance. For example, if you are feeling anxious, you can use sound healing to target the area of the Auric Field that is associated with anxiety. This can help to break up the blockage and restore balance. Sound healing can also be used to target specific chakras that are out of balance. The chakras are the energy centers of the body and each one is associated with a different area of the Auric Field. If you are looking to restore balance within your Auric Body, sound healing is a great option. It is a safe and effective way to target specific areas that are out of balance.

What are some of the benefits of sound healing?

Sound healing has a wide range of benefits, both physical and emotional. Some of the benefits of sound healing include:

– Reducing stress and anxiety

– Alleviating pain

– Improving sleep

– Boosting the immune system

– Enhancing mood

– Increasing energy levels

– Improving circulation

– Regulating blood pressure

– Reducing inflammation

Sound healing can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, both physical and emotional. If you are looking for a natural and effective way to improve your health, sound healing may be the answer.

Are there any risks associated with sound healing?

Sound healing is a safe and effective treatment option with no known side effects. However, as with any treatment, there are always some risks associated. The risks associated with sound healing are usually minimal and can include:

– Discomfort from the sound: Some people may find the sound of certain instruments to be discomforting. If this is the case, you can simply stop the treatment.

– Aggravation of symptoms: In some rare cases, sound healing can aggravate existing symptoms. If this happens, you should stop the treatment and consult with your practitioner. Overall, sound healing is a safe and effective treatment with minimal risks.

If you are looking for an alternative treatment option, sound healing may be the answer.

How can you find a sound healing practitioner?

If you are interested in sound healing, there are a few ways to find a sound healing practitioner.

– You can contact me to schedule your appointment today.

 – You can ask your friends or loved ones if they know of any sound healing practitioners.

 – You can look for sound healing events or workshops in your area.

– You can contact a local hospital or wellness center to see if they offer sound healing treatments.

Sound healing is a process that uses sound to remove blockages and restore balance to the Auric Body. This can be done through the use of specific frequencies and tones that target specific areas of the Auric Field. Sound healing can also be done with the use of specific instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks. If you are looking for a way to restore balance to your life, sound healing may be the answer. It is a safe and effective way to target specific areas that are out of balance. Sound healing has a wide range of benefits, both physical and emotional. If you are interested in sound healing, contact me at to schedule your appointment today.

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