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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Beauty of Living Consciously

“The Beauty of Living Consciously” is a captivating poem written by Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot. This thought-provoking piece of literature explores the profound impact of conscious living on our daily lives. Through her eloquent words, Smoot invites readers to embrace mindfulness and awareness, highlighting the beauty that lies in being present and connected to the world around us. This poem serves as a gentle reminder to appreciate the small moments, find joy in simplicity, and live with intention. Immerse yourself in the enchanting verses of “The Beauty of Living Consciously” and embark on a transformative journey towards a more mindful existence.

In a world so vast, where chaos resides,
The beauty of living consciously abides.
Awakening the senses, opening our eyes,
To the wonders around, beneath the skies.

With mindful steps, we tread upon this Earth,
Appreciating every moment, each day’s rebirth.
The fragrance of flowers, the gentle breeze,
The symphony of birdsong, among the trees.

Conscious living, a mindful embrace,
Connecting with nature, at a slower pace.
From the vibrant sunsets to the morning dew,
Each experience cherished, as we renew.

In stillness, we find peace, and clarity arise,
As we let go of worries, and material ties.
Living in tune with our heart’s pure desire,
Unveiling the essence, that sets our souls on fire.

With each action we take, with intention and care,
We nurture the world, showing it our love and share.
For conscious living is a path of respect,
For all beings, big or small, we connect.

So let us embrace this beauty, day by day,
Living consciously, in harmony’s sway.
For the world awaits, our awakened sight,
To cherish its splendor, in its purest light.

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