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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

The Gentle Touch of a Summer Breeze

Updated: Jun 28

Whispers of the wind, so light and airy,

Heralding the arrival of summer fair,

Easing the heat with a gentle touch,

Gracefully dancing through the air with such flair,

Ethereal and soothing, it feels like a warm clutch.

Nurturing the soul with its soft caress,

Tenderly kissing the skin, a gentle embrace,

Lulling us into a state of peacefulness,

Enveloping us in its comforting grace.

Gently swaying the leaves on the trees,

Entwining us in a tranquil symphony,

Nourishing the spirit with each gentle breeze,

Touching our hearts with nature's harmony.

Heralding the arrival of a new season,

Easing our worries with its soothing sound,

Bathing us in its warmth without reason,

Reminding us that beauty is all around.

Every whisper of the wind carries a story,

Each breeze holding secrets yet untold,

Sending messages of love and glory,

Teaching us to appreciate the beauty we behold.

Of all the wonders that nature can bestow,

Upon us, the gentle touch of a summer breeze,

A reminder that in chaos, there is calm to show,

And in stillness, there is a sense of ease.

To feel the wind's gentle caress upon our skin,

Uplifting our spirits, calming our minds,

Causing us to smile and take it all in,

Humbling us with its beauty, so divine.

Hear the rustling leaves, smell the fragrant air,

Embrace the warmth that the sun bestows,

Appreciate the beauty that is everywhere,

Zealously cherish the moments as they flow.

Every day that we are granted to live,

Every moment that we get to breathe,

Soak up the beauty that nature gives,

Teaching us to appreciate, love, and believe.

In the whispers of the wind, we find solace,

Nourishing our souls, lifting our spirits high,

Gently guiding us to find our true purpose,

Her gentle touch a reminder that life is not a lie.

May we always be grateful for the gift of summer's breeze,

Ever mindful of the beauty that surrounds us all,

Embracing nature's gentle touch with grace and ease,

Living in harmony with the world, standing proud and tall.

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