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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Gift of Rest

In the chaos of everyday life

We often forget the importance

Of a simple gift that we can give ourselves

The gift of rest, to replenish our souls

In a world that values productivity

And constant busyness as signs of success

We overlook the necessity

Of slowing down, of taking a pause

Rest is not just a physical act

But a mental and emotional one as well

To rest is to give ourselves permission

To unwind, to rejuvenate, to heal

We push ourselves to the limit

Ignoring the signals our bodies send

We fill our schedules to the brim

Leaving no room for rest to descend

But rest is not a luxury

It is a basic human need

To function at our best

We must allow ourselves to heed

The gift of rest is a treasure

That we must learn to cherish

To prioritize our well-being

And recognize when we need to nourish

It is in those quiet moments

When we can finally recharge

That we find clarity and peace

And can truly feel our lives enlarge

Rest is not a sign of weakness

But a sign of strength and wisdom

To know when to slow down

Is a skill that will guide us through life’s rhythm

So let us embrace the gift of rest

And make time for it each day

To honor our bodies and minds

And live in a more balanced way

For in the stillness of rest

We can hear our inner voice

Guiding us towards our true purpose

And helping us make the right choice

So let us not neglect this precious gift

But embrace it with open arms

For in the gift of rest

We will find our truest charms.

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