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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Healing Power of Jupiter Gong Meditation

Updated: Jun 26

Guided Meditation Jupiter Gong

Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and begin by taking a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and good day and welcome to this guided meditation on the Jupiter Gong. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without any interruptions. Sit or lie down in a position that allows your body to release tension and let go. Take a deep breath in, drawing in positive energy, and exhale any stress or negative thoughts that may be holding you back.

Close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath. Notice how it gently flows in and out, effortlessly keeping you alive and present in this moment. Take a few moments to connect with your breath, allowing it to anchor you into this space of tranquility and serenity.

Now, imagine yourself surrounded by a beautiful, radiant light. This light is warm and inviting, encompassing your entire being. Feel the gentle warmth of this light filling every cell of your body, healing and rejuvenating you from within.

As you relax, become aware of the sound of the Jupiter Gong. This celestial instrument emits deep, resonant vibrations that reach depths beyond our comprehension. Allow the sound of the gong to penetrate your being, harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

With each strike of the gong, feel a wave of energy washing over you. Sense how the vibrations gently massage your body, releasing any tensions or blockages that may be present. As the sound reverberates through you, imagine it penetrating every fiber of your being, clearing away any negative energy or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

Let go of any thoughts or distractions that may arise during this process. Simply surrender to the healing frequencies of the gong, allowing it to guide you to a place of deep relaxation and inner peace. Trust that the vibrations are working their magic, bringing you into alignment with your true self.

Now, visualize yourself floating amongst the stars, weightless and free. You are in harmony with the majestic energy of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. Feel yourself being carried by its cosmic currents, soaring through the vastness of the universe.

As you journey through space, notice the vibrant colors and celestial wonders that surround you. Take in the beauty and awe-inspiring magnificence of the universe, knowing that you are an integral part of this grand design.

With each breath, inhale the limitless possibilities and profound wisdom that Jupiter offers. Exhale any self-doubt, fear, or limitations that may have been holding you back. You are capable of achieving greatness and living a life filled with joy, love, and abundance.

As the meditation comes to a close, take a moment to express gratitude for this experience. Thank Jupiter for its guidance and for allowing you to connect with its heavenly vibrations. Carry this energy with you as you return to your daily life, knowing that you are always supported and connected to the vast cosmic energies of the universe.

When you are ready, gently open your eyes, bringing your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep, grounding breaths, allowing yourself to fully integrate the experience. Carry the peace and harmony of this meditation with you throughout your day, and always remember the power of the Jupiter Gong within you.

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