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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Ocean's Rhythm

In the heart of the ocean, a rhythm beats,
A dance of waves, a symphony that repeats.
With each rise and fall, a gentle ebb and flow,
A lullaby of the tides, a melody to bestow.

The ocean’s rhythm, a soothing lull,
Whispering secrets, tales untold and dull.
A cadence of serenity, a tranquil refrain,
Calming the restless, easing all pain.

From shore to horizon, its pulse extends,
A timeless rhythm, where beauty transcends.
The crashing of waves, a passionate embrace,
Enchanting the soul, in its watery grace.

With every crashing wave, a chorus unfolds,
A song of the depths, where mysteries behold.
The ocean’s rhythm, a dance of the deep,
In sync with the stars, a celestial leap.

So let the ocean’s rhythm guide your heart,
Let it wash away worries, tear them apart.
For in its embrace, serenity you’ll find,
A symphony of peace, forever entwined.

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