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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

The Only Approval I Need is My Own

Updated: Apr 14

In a world filled with judgment and critique

I find solace in knowing that the only approval I need

Is my own

I have spent too many days seeking validation

From others who do not truly know me

Their opinions like weights around my ankles

Dragging me down and holding me back

But I have learned

That the only approval that truly matters

Is the approval I give myself

I am the one who knows my worth

Who knows my strengths and my weaknesses

I am the one who has fought battles

And emerged stronger on the other side

I do not need the approval of others

To know that I am worthy

I do not need their praise

To know that I am capable

I am enough

Just as I am

I do not need to change

To fit someone else’s idea of perfection

I embrace my flaws

And my imperfections

For they are what make me uniquely me

And I would not trade them for the world

I no longer seek validation

From those who do not see me

For I have found validation

In the mirror

I stand tall

And proud

Of the person I have become

Of the battles I have fought

And the strength I have gained

I do not need the approval of others

To know that I am worthy

I do not need their praise

To know that I am capable

The only approval I need is my own

And that is more than enough

I am my own best advocate

My own biggest cheerleader

And I will always believe in myself

No matter what others may say

I am enough

Just as I am

And the only approval I need

Is my own.

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