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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Transcend the Limits

In a world confined by walls of doubt,
Where limitations try to hold us down,
We forge a path, breaking through the clouds,
Transcending the limits that surround.

With every step, we rise above,
The boundaries set by fear and strife,
Unleashing the power of dreams untamed,
To soar beyond the realm of ordinary life.

We reach for the stars, our spirits free,
No longer bound by what they say we can be,
For in our hearts, a fire burns bright,
Igniting the will to reach new heights.

We shatter the chains of self-imposed doubt,
Embracing the unknown, we venture out,
With courage as our guide, we break through,
Transcending the limits, old and new.

Through storms and challenges, we persist,
In the face of obstacles, we resist,
For deep within, a truth we find,
That limits are illusions of the mind.

So let us dream, let us believe,
That we can achieve what others perceive,
For in our pursuit of the extraordinary,
We transcend the limits, rewriting our story.

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