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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Transformation with Breath

Updated: Apr 9

Inhale the breath of life,

Exhale the doubts and strife,

Transformation with each breath,

A journey where we find our depth.

With each inhale, we draw in the energy,

The spark that lights the fire within,

A deep connection to our inner being,

A transformation that's ready to begin.

Exhale the fear, the uncertainty,

Let go of what no longer serves,

Transformative power in each breath,

A new sense of freedom in every curve.

Breathe in the air, the sweet sensation,

The rhythm of life that never fades,

A transformation with every exhale,

A journey where our spirit never betrays.

Inhale the love, the light that shines,

Exhale the darkness, the doubts that bind,

Transformation with every breath,

A new beginning that knows no death.

With each breath, we connect to our soul,

The essence that makes us whole,

A transformative journey that never ends,

A pathway where our true self transcends.

Breathe in the beauty of the world around,

Exhale the tension, the stress that bounds,

Transformation with each breath,

A new perspective that knows no depth.

Inhale the peace, the calm within,

Exhale the chaos, the noise that din,

A transformation with every breath,

A sense of harmony that knows no death.

With each breath, we find our center,

The place where our true self enters,

A transformative power that never fades,

A journey where our essence cascades.

Breathe in the joy, the laughter that rings,

Exhale the sadness, the tears that bring,

Transformation with each breath,

A new sense of self that knows no death.

Inhale the courage, the strength that lies,

Exhale the doubt, the fear that cries,

A transformation with every breath,

A new beginning that knows no depth.

With each breath, we release the past,

The ghosts that haunt us will never last,

A transformative journey that sets us free,

A pathway where our spirit will always be.

Breathe in the possibilities that abound,

Exhale the limitations that confound,

Transformation with every breath,

A new reality that knows no death.

Inhale the wisdom, the knowledge that grows,

Exhale the ignorance, the truth that shows,

A transformation with each breath,

A journey where our spirit never rests.

With each breath, we discover our true self,

The person we are meant to be,

A transformative power that guides us,

A pathway to our destiny.

Breathe in the transformation that awaits,

Exhale the doubts that interrogate,

A new beginning with every breath,

A journey where our spirit knows no death.

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