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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Trauma Shatters the Soul

Updated: Apr 9

Trauma shatters the soul

Leaving behind scars that never truly heal

It lingers in the shadows, waiting to strike

A constant reminder of pain and suffering

It shapes who we are

Molding us into broken versions of ourselves

We try to move forward, but the memories linger

Haunting us in our darkest moments

The weight of trauma is heavy

Dragging us down into a pit of despair

It whispers lies in our ears

Telling us we are not worthy of love or happiness

But we must rise above

We must fight against the darkness

And find the strength within ourselves

To heal and move forward

Trauma shatters the soul

But it does not define us

We are more than our pain

We are survivors, warriors, strong

Through the fire we will rise

Like a phoenix from the ashes

Reborn, renewed, unbreakable

Our scars a testament to our strength

So let us stand together

United in our struggle

And show the world that trauma may shatter our souls

But it will never break our spirits.

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