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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Trusting Yourself

Updated: Jul 6

Trusting yourself is no easy feat

It requires courage and strength

To believe in your own abilities

To have faith in your own judgement

It is a journey of self-discovery

A path of self-reliance and independence

To trust yourself is to trust your instincts

To listen to the whispers of your heart

Sometimes, we doubt ourselves

We second-guess our decisions

We seek validation from others

We ignore the voice within us

But deep down, we know

We know that we have the power

The power to make our own choices

The power to follow our dreams

Trusting yourself means taking risks

Stepping out of your comfort zone

Embracing the unknown with open arms

And believing that you will succeed

It means standing tall in the face of adversity

And not letting fear hold you back

It means knowing that you are enough

Just as you are, flaws and all

Trusting yourself is a journey

A journey of self-love and self-acceptance

It is about recognizing your own worth

And being proud of who you are

So when doubt creeps in

And when fear tries to take over

Remember to trust yourself

To believe in yourself and your abilities

You are strong

You are capable

You are resilient

You are enough

So go forth with confidence

And trust yourself to lead the way

For the only person you truly need to trust

Is the one looking back at you in the mirror.

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