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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Unwinding Conditioning and Beliefs

In the deep recesses of our minds,

Lie the conditioning and beliefs,

Planted like seeds in the fertile soil,

Growing and intertwining with our thoughts.

From a young age, we are taught

What to believe, how to behave,

Unconsciously absorbing the values

Of society and family alike.

We are told what is right and wrong,

What is acceptable and taboo,

And we internalize these messages

Shaping our identities accordingly.

But what if we were to challenge

These ingrained notions,

To question the validity of beliefs

That no longer serve us?

The process of unwinding

Conditioning and beliefs is not easy,

It requires introspection, courage,

And a willingness to confront discomfort.

As we delve deep into our psyche,

We may uncover layers of conditioning

That have been operating beneath the surface,

Controlling our thoughts and actions.

Perhaps we were taught to believe

That success is measured by material wealth,

Or that love is conditional,

Based on meeting certain expectations.

These beliefs may have served a purpose

In our past, protecting us from harm

Or helping us navigate a complex world,

But now they may be holding us back.

It takes courage to challenge

These deeply ingrained beliefs,T

o confront the fear of the unknown,

And step into the uncertainty of change.

But as we begin to unravel

The conditioning that binds us,

We may discover a newfound freedom

,A liberation of the soul.

We may find ourselves questioning

The validity of societal norms,

Reevaluating the meaning of success,

And redefining our own values.

As we shed the layers of conditioning,

We may feel a sense of rebirth,

A shedding of old skin to reveal

The true essence of who we are.

We may find that the beliefs

We once held so tightly

No longer resonate with our spirit,

And we can release them with gratitude.

And in this process of unwinding,

We may discover a deeper truth,'

A connection to something greater

,A sense of purpose and meaning.

So let us embark on this journey

Of unwinding conditioning and beliefs,

With open hearts and curious minds,

Ready to embrace the unknown.

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