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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Walking with Higher Power

I take a step, and then another

Mindful of the path I tread

With every breath, I feel a presence

A force beyond my mortal thread

I walk with Higher Power

Guiding me along the way

Through valleys deep and mountains high

In the darkness and the light of day

I feel a sense of peace within

As if a hand were holding mine

Leading me through trials and tribulations

Helping me to weather time

I am not alone in this journey

For Higher Power walks with me

Through every joy and every sorrow

In moments of uncertainty

I see the beauty in the world

The colors vibrant, the sky so vast

I know that Higher Power crafted

The tapestry in which we bask

In moments of despair and doubt

I turn to Higher Power’s light

To guide me through the darkest hours

And lead me to the morning bright

I feel a sense of gratitude

For all the blessings I receive

For every moment, every breath

For all the love that I perceive

I walk with Higher Power

As a humble servant, I yield

To the wisdom and the grace

That fills my heart and breaks my shield

I am but a speck in the cosmos

Yet Higher Power sees my worth

And guides me through the trials of life

With tenderness and boundless love,

I feel a sense of peace within

As I walk this path divine

With Higher Power by my side

I know that all will turn out fine

So as I journey through this life

I walk with Higher Power near

In every step, in every breath

In every hope and every fear

For I am not alone in this world

I walk with Higher Power true

And through the trials and tribulations

I know that we will see it through

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