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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

We Shatter the Chains of Self Doubt

Updated: Jul 6

In the depths of our souls, a doubt resides,

A chain that binds, our dreams it hides.

But fear not, for within us lies the key,

To shatter these chains and set us free.

With courage as our shield, we shall defy,

The whispers of doubt, that make us shy.

For we are warriors, strong and brave,

Ready to conquer, ready to pave.

With every step we take, doubt fades away,

Replaced by belief, lighting our way.

We rise above the shadows, like a phoenix in flight,

Embracing our worth, shining so bright.

No longer confined by our own disbelief,

We soar to heights, granting ourselves relief.

For in our hearts, a fire burns strong,

Fueling our passion, all doubts are gone.

Together we stand, united and strong,

Breaking the chains that held us for so long.

We embrace our potential, with unwavering clout,

For we shatter the chains of self-imposed doubt.

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