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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

What's Your Life's Purpose?

What is your life’s purpose?

A question that haunts us all

As we navigate through the chaos and the calm

Trying to find our place in this world

Some seek it in success and wealth

Chasing after the elusive dream of more

Thinking that happiness lies in material possessions

But finding emptiness in the pursuit

Others search for meaning in relationships

Believing that love is the answer

But discovering that people are flawed

And sometimes they will let us down

There are those who find purpose in helping others

In making a difference in the lives of those in need

But even the most selfless acts can leave us feeling lost

Wondering if our efforts truly matter

And then there are the dreamers

Who believe that their purpose lies in their passions

In creating art, or music, or literature

But even the most talented among us can struggle to find their place

So what is your life’s purpose?

Is it in the things you chase after?

Or the people you love?

Or the causes you fight for?

Perhaps it is none of these things

Or maybe it is a combination of them all

A complex tapestry of desires and dreams

Woven together to form the fabric of your existence

Maybe your purpose lies in the moments of joy

The laughter shared with friends

The beauty of a sunrise

The feeling of being truly alive

Or perhaps it lies in the moments of sadness

The tears shed in sorrow

The pain of loss

The reminder that life is fleeting

Whatever your purpose may be

Know that it is unique to you

A reflection of your hopes and fears

Your strengths and weaknesses

Embrace the journey of discovery

Of unraveling the mysteries of your soul

And remember that your purpose

Is not a destination, but a path to walk upon

So keep searching, keep questioning

Keep striving to find meaning in each moment

For in the end, it is not the destination that matters

But the journey itself.

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